Thursday, February 6, 2014

Field Trip News

Fifth Grade Field Trip to Alice in Wonderland!

What?                   Field trip to see a ballet production of Alice in Wonderland

When?                  Friday, February 14th

Where?                UCA Reynolds Performance Hall

How?                    Bus will depart by 8:45 and return to CSMS by 1:00

Cost?                     Free! 

Lunch?                  Students will need to bring a lunch (no glass, please) or order a lunch in advance from                                                                    the cafeteria. 

Cut and return the slip below by Feb. 11th ONLY IF you need a lunch from the cafeteria the day of the field trip:
My child, ____________________________, will need a lunch from the cafeteria on Friday, Feb. 14th. 
First Period Teacher:  _________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________

Independent Reading Presentations due February 13th

For the most part- the project directions are the same.  I have noted the changes in blue.  Students may choose any presentation style they prefer.  If your child is tech savy, encourage him/her to make a Powerpoint.  If your child is artistic, encourage him/her to create a book mobile or movie poster.  If your child needs posterboard, let me know. 

Independent Reading Presentation

Project is due ___________.  If you have not finished a book by the project due date, you will receive a POW, and 10% will be deducted from your score.  You will still be required to present your project even if it is late. 

Every presentation must include the following:

·         title and author

·         main character(s)

·         compare how two characters from the story are different and/or similar

·         short summary of the story without giving away the ending

·         choose a character trait that describes one of the main characters

·         use specific evidence from the book to support your character trait (must include the page number)

·         theme (main idea of the story)


Information must be written on note cards.  Be sure to practice reading in front of someone before presenting.  Try not to read straight from the cards.  Practice and then practice some more.


Choose ONE of the following to include in your presentation:

·         three items in a bag that relate to the story- you must explain how the objects relate to your book

·         movie poster you create that represents an event from the story- you must explain how the movie poster relates to your story

·         two or three PowerPoint slides with pictures that relate to the story- you must explain how the pictures relate to the story (PowerPoint must be saved to a flash drive and brought to class) A Prezi or Glogster is also acceptable.

·         create a book mobile using a wire clothes hanger- attach at least five pictures (hand drawn or printed from computer) or items that represent the book.  Be prepared to explain how each picture or item relates to the book

·         create a CD cover for the book.  On the back, think of three popular songs that relate to the book.  Be sure to explain how the songs relate to the book.