Friday, October 4, 2013

Update for October 4th

It's hard to believe we've been in school for almost eight weeks! 

In Reading:
We finished Crash and started reading The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare.  Students should be reading from their self-selected novel outside of class (study hall and at home).  We are discussing how characters react to challenges.  Independent Reading Presentations will be on October 18th.

In Writing:
We are creating a Personal Narrative about a time we were hurt.  We are focusing on writing in first person, creating a strong lead and conclusion, dialogue, and word choice.

Our first quarter is winding down, and parent-teacher conferences will soon be held.  The first quarter grades in Literacy are often the best grades.  During our first quarter, students do not have any Module Tests or major writing pieces.  So the first quarter is like a "Honeymoon" period.  With that being said, the Second Quarter will start off with a bang.  Here are some important upcoming dates for Literacy:

  • October 14- No school for students (Teacher Work Day)
  • October 16- End of First Quarter
  • October 18- Independent Reading Presentations due (35 points)
  • October 21-25 Writing Performance Task (will be completed in class; 100 points)
  • October 22-23 Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • October 29- Reading Module (50 points)
  • October 30- Writing Module (50 points)
Yesterday, students were assigned their second Independent Reading Presentation (IRP).  The requirements are exactly the same as the first IRP completed in September.  I've added an additional option for presenting.  Students may choose to create a CD Cover for the book they choose to present.  Along with creating a colorful cover, the students will also write the title of three songs that relate to the book.  Students must explain how the song relates to the story.  Students DO NOT need to download any music or bring an actual CD.  I have a template the students should use.  They may glue or tape the template to an empty CD case.  I've attached an example below:
Front of CD:
Back of CD:
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

Independent Reading Presentations

Independent Reading Presentation due September 19th

Independent Reading Presentation

Project is due ___________. You must present your project on a book you have finished between the dates of __________________. If you have not finished a book by the project due date, you will receive a POW, and 10% will be deducted from your score. You will still be required to present your project even if it is late.

Every presentation must include the following:

· title and author

· main character(s)

· compare how two characters from the story are different and/or similar

· short summary of the story without giving away the ending

· one challenge the main character(s) face

· how the main character responds to the challenge

· theme (main idea of the story)

Information must be written on note cards. Be sure to practice reading in front of someone before presenting. Try not to read straight from the cards. Practice and then practice some more.

Choose one of the following to include in your presentation:

· three items in a bag that relate to the story- you must explain how the objects relate to your book

· movie poster you create that represents an event from the story- you must explain how the movie poster relates to your story

· two or three PowerPoint slides with pictures that relate to the story-you must explain how the pictures relate to the story (PowerPoint must be saved to a flash drive and brought to class)

· create a book mobile using a wire clothes hanger- attach at least five pictures (hand drawn or printed from computer) or items that represent the book. Be prepared to explain how each picture or item relates to the book

Below is an example of a book mobile:

I would like to keep the book mobiles to hang in the classroom. Please do not attach anything to the book mobiles that is of personal value.
Example of a movie poster
Example of a PowerPoint

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome to 5th Grade Literacy 2013-2014

Thank you to the parents who attended Open House last night.  If you were unable to attend, no worries!  I've attached the information we discussed.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  This is going to be a great year!!!

Scholastic Book Club orders were sent home earlier this week.  Orders are due September 3rd.  You may order online using a debit or credit card, or you may order by sending cash or check to school.  If you would like to order online, the class code is GLWM2.  The web address is:
5th Grade Literacy

 Carl Stuart Middle School

Welcome to a new school year at Carl Stuart!

The 5th grade literacy teachers are excited about the great reading and writing your child will do in our classes!   This year, we will continue to implement Common Core State Standards for English/Language Arts.


Curriculum Overview


Students will analyze the challenges that literary characters face and the choices they make.
Writing Focus: Narrative

Students will explore inventive thinking in both non-fiction and fiction, determining how inventive thinking changes our world or creates a new world.
Writing Focus: Expository

Students will study both informational and fictional books featuring the Great Depression and this era’s effect on children.
Writing Focus: Opinion Writing

Students will consider the causes of conflict and how literary characters and real people resolve conflict in positive and negative ways. Fiction and informational text in this unit are centered on the Civil War.
Writing Focus: Review of all purposes


Module Test Dates

Type of Test
Tuesday, October 29
Wednesday, October 30
Tuesday, January 14
Wednesday, January 15
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26


Your child will receive one combined grade for both reading and language arts. It will appear under “language arts” on the report card. Grades may be taken on any of the following:

·         homework completion

·         participation in activities in class, including discussions, presentations, and listening

·         various assignments with grades based on a rubric or checklist

·         quizzes and tests from notes and activities in class

·         module tests

·         work done throughout the writing process and on completed stories and essays - These grades may be based on rubrics specific for a particular assignment or on the Conway School District writing rubrics for grade 5.  The great majority of writing will be done in class.

·         evidence of independent reading – reading logs and book projects

Your child has access to thousands of books in the CSMS media center and in the classroom libraries.




A: 90% or higher
B : 80 – 89%
C: 70 – 79%
D: 60 – 69%
F: 59% or lower










Open and frequent communication between the parent and the teacher

 is vital to a child’s success in school.

Please contact us anytime you have questions or concerns.


Elizabeth Harness

CSMS phone- 501-329-2782